Is democracy important to you?
Dear family, dear friends, dear people,
Citizens’ Democracy is a network organisation for deliberative democracy in Switzerland. Together we create a new understanding of politics and democracy by promoting and evaluating citizens’ assemblies.
We are a dynamic and diverse group of people from all over Switzerland. We are committed to a society with a balanced culture of discussion, which thereby finds its way to an independent, transparent and long-term oriented decision-making process.
Through the establishment of citizens’ assemblies, we contribute to creating a new understanding of politics and democracy in which all people, through the promotion of trust and togetherness, have the opportunity and legitimacy to actively shape their long-term future, creating a less polarised, more sustainable and resilient society.
Our work in concrete? Developing design processes, conducting accompanying research, analysing the conceptualisation of citizens’ assemblies at cantonal and/or national level and supporting coordinators of citizens’ assemblies. The first big project we accompanied was the Citizens’ Council for Food Policy.
We are all volunteers, so we depend on you to professionalise our work. To ensure transparency, we show the costs we need as a group “Citizens Democracy”:
Current target: 30,000 CHF
22,000 CHF for an external survey of the population in Switzerland with MotivAktion, a professional, external institution, to see how people see the potential of citizens’ assemblies in Switzerland. This is fundamentally important because it serves as a study for further citizens’ assemblies.
5000 CHF for events and workshops with different experts, on a national and international level, on citizens’ assemblies to promote exchange and expertise.
The remaining 3000 CHF for general costs, such as website costs, bank account: Website costs, bank account, planning meetings with different actors through citizens’ assemblies, etc.
For more information, visit our website
We would be grateful for a donation according to your capacities.
5 CHF, the price of a café in the morning
15 CHF like a lunch
30 CHF like your monthly mobile phone subscription
100 CHF like a donation to a charitable organisation, why not to us?
200 CHF a very special Christmas present
Or even more?
We would be infinitely grateful for your support.
The Team, Citizens Democracy
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