
Citizens’ Democracy press release on the first national Citizens Assembly – 7.11.22

Citizens’ Democracy press release on the first national Citizens Assembly – 7.11.22 Fresh impetus for food policy through more dialogue and democracy The first Citizens’ Council is an important pilot project that demonstrates the potential of Citizens’ Councils to speed up the democratic search for solutions. Citizens’ Democracy was involved in the accompanying research and … Read more

2022 Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy

The Global Forum, the world’s largest gathering devoted to participatory and direct democracy, will be held from September 21 to 25, 2022, in the beautiful lakeside city of Lucerne, Switzerland. After 14 years, the Global Forum returns to the country where it all began in 2008 with the Aarau Forum. Coming out of a devastating … Read more

Citizens Assemblies in times of crisis

Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research: “Citizens Assemblies in times of crisis” Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research invites researchers to submit their papers for the special issue Citizens Assemblies in times of crisis. Citizens’ assemblies and other sortition-based participation methods are trending around the world. As a means to involve … Read more

Switzerland: What if participatory democracy could reform our food system?

A citizens’ assembly will take up Swiss food policy and make concrete recommendations to parliament by November 2022. The “Avenir Alimentaire Suisse” project, presented on Tuesday 17 May, is a first at the national level. It is part of the Sustainable Development Strategy 2030 and provides for exchanges between the Federal Council and a representative … Read more

Grüne­ fordern Einführung eines Klimarates

Bern – Am 24.09.2020 reicht der Parteichef der Grünen – Balthasar Glättli – die parlamentarische Initiative https://www.parlament.ch/de/ratsbetrieb/suche-curia-vista/geschaeft?AffairId=20200467 beim Nationalrat ein. Dieser soll dazu beitragen, dass die Schweiz möglichst rasch zu einem klimapositiven Land wird und so lange existieren, bis die Schweiz vier Jahre lang klimapositiv war. Der Klimarat umfasst 200 zufällig ausgewählte Personen. Im Klimarat … Read more

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